Earn FREE, exclusive products during Sale-A-Bration, our annual sales event with perks for shopping, hosting a party, or joining Stampin’ Up! You can take advantage of all Sale-A-Bration has to offer from January 28−March 31.
Make sure you don’t miss out on your FREE gift with each $50 US/$60 CAN purchase! We’ve made it easier than ever to get your free gift; just order one of our Sale-A-Bration bundles (
CA) and then pick your exclusive gift!
Talk to me today to get in on the action!
Hello! Sale-A-Bration started yesterday, and that means free stuff! With every $50 order, you get to choose an item for free from the Sale-A-Bration catalog. If you would like a copy of the catalog, please contact me! There are tons of great items in there, and I love them!!!! I've been having a blast creating with them! Also, some of the items will continue on in the new catalog that comes out this summer, so get them now while they're free!!!! I always hate having to pay for something when I could have gotten it for free!
You can get this Sweet Sorbet Designer Series Paper for free during Sale-A-Bration! The stamps used on this card are from the stamp sets Another Thank You Photopolymer and Simple Stems, from the Occasions Catalog. I also used the new Gold Baker's Twine, also from the Occasions Catalog. Contact me to place your order or order through my
online store.
And here are this week's weekly deals! There are some great spring colors on sale this week!
We hope you enjoy this week's Weekly Deals!
Thanks for stopping by today, and I'll see you tomorrow!
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